Tapli is honey - countless wildflowers and trees tried to attract our bees with beautiful color, lovely smell and sweet taste.
Nectar and pollen have been the gift for the friendly service of pollination. Inside the beehive our bees added ingredients to protect the honey against bacteria and mold to make it a long-lasting treasure inside the honeycombs.
Our bees had to fly approximately 40000 km – once around the world – to fill up one jar of honey.
The honey for the Tapli has been harvested and processed according to the high standards of German Beekeepers Association (DIB) in Germany.
The bees are treated only with organic formic acid against varroa mites.

Mit mehr als 25 Jahren Erfahrung in der Branche, biete ich ein breites Spektrum der Beratung für PV Projekte an.